Creative Chi
Shiatsu Journal
Creative Chi
We all have the power of creation within us. This creative force comes forth, just as a painter needs a canvas to express themselves, we need life to show our creative power. From the connection with our source, we nourish our life energy. Realizing that we are the captains of our own ships, we can fully develop our potential.
Recognizing that we are the creators of our own lives allows our life energy to fully develop and find its own balance. We use Shiatsu, the meridians, or the five elements to support this balance. We work with energy, with Chi.
Chi is neither good nor bad; Chi is neutral. Chi is energy. But Chi needs a form to manifest. With the power of our consciousness, we give Chi a form, our own form; every person does this, whether consciously or unconsciously. We can easily recognize this in our lives. What we invest in, we get back. Chi has no limit. The more we invest, the more we get back. The less we invest, out of fear or not knowing what we want, the less we get back. It depends on us.
In the Western world, consciousness, and thereby Chi, is directed outward. We worship things outside ourselves. We look for solutions outside ourselves. Therefore, we see the most unhappy people in the West. Here, we are dominated by matter. In the Himalayas, for example, where people have little to nothing, there is still much laughter. That is a different form of freedom. The people there are connected to their source and are therefore rich. Even if they only have one apple, they want to share it with someone. We, on the other hand, are afraid to part with any of our abundance. We are not connected to our source and live in meager circumstances despite our abundance, thereby extinguishing our life energy.
When working with Shiatsu, what Chi do we really want to achieve? Is it enough to work a little on Lung Kyō or Stomach Jitsu? Or do we want to achieve real vitality? Do we want to activate the Chi that slumbers within each person? If a horse stands in the stable all week and is never ridden, it will first destroy the stable and eventually become sick. We can see the problems or acknowledge that the horse has never been ridden. Similarly, we recognize this in people when they have not tapped into their life potential.
In my work, it is about touching the Chi in its essence. This form of Chi is like a seed that, when stimulated to grow, responds in abundance. Our system develops from within. In practice, however, we are often inclined to seek intellectual solutions. We can endlessly analyze the meridians, but that feeds our intellectual needs more than our being.
Meridians must speak to us. We must let ourselves be inspired by the living creative Chi so that we enter the flow and remain in our hearts.
In our society, depression is viewed quite negatively. In most cases, however, we are confronted with things that want to come out of us, that want to express themselves, but suppress us because we do not express them. Therefore, depression can be a precursor to a significant step in life, a step inward, into ourselves, of silence and meditation.
Where the source stagnates, there is also an enormous potential of possibilities. Freeing the Chi with our clients is a spontaneous and creative process. Addressing autonomy and self-responsibility already provides a significant Chi boost.