Women create. Their unique ability to give life thus also determines their own lives: the monthly menstrual cycle allows the body to regenerate naturally for many years – both on a physical and psycho-emotional level. But increasingly hormonal contraception, the stresses of modern day life, and a poor diet disturb the delicate balance of the female body. Hara Shiatsu supports women who would like to reclaim their female power and fully develop their potential in every phase of their lives.
According to recent studies one in six couples is affected by fertility issues – and the numbers continue to rise, with psychological factors playing an important role. In fertility treatments in particular the holistic approach of Shiatsu has been proven very successful. Specific body treatments, concrete recommendations for dietary changes as well as effective home remedies have helped numerous women to fulfill their much longed for wish – to become a mother.
For fertility: Shiatsu is able to help 25 per cent of women who, according to conventional medicine, can’t get pregnant
Supportive treatments during pregnancy
Preparing for labor and birth as well as post-natal support
For menstrual problems (for example PMS)
For problems with menopause (for example hot flushes, disturbed sleep etc.)
For abdominal problems (for example cysts, fibroids, endometriosis etc.)
Tomas Nelissen – Hara Shiatsu Pioneer
His workshops and lectures about HARA SHIATSU & GYNECOLOGY are presented in an easily accessible format and include the following topics:
The importance of the extraordinary vessels
Treating infertility
Treating menstrual, menopause or abdominal disorders
The influence of diet on the menstrual cycle and well-being
Exercises – specifically for women
Home remedies (for example ginger compress)